Friday, June 17, 2016

Fandoms and Phandoms.

                              |(play that!!)
Ah, yes. Fandoms and Phandoms. I remember those times where I would just watch cat videos until i stumbled upon.... Undertale. Also If you don't know what Undertale is or What fandoms or Phandoms are WHY ARE YOU READING THIS? LIKE REALLY??? No just... NO! And also RUN RUN RUN AS FAR AS YOU CAN!! DON'T LOOK BACK AND NEVER LOOK BACK!! My life is ruined as we speak. Fandoms are like a blackhole of Phandoms, games, ships, ships, fangirls, and worst of all, FANGIRLS!! BUT REMEMBER DON'T GO TO DEEP!!!
   If you go deep, deep, and deeper, you will reach something and find something you won't like. I haven't found that yet and I hope i never will. And remember if you go down the blackhole, you might not be coming back. 0-0. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! And There are many fandoms, so if your interested in a really good book, SCREW THAT I'M READING FANFICTIONS!!! OH! YEAH! THAT! When You go down the Fandom hole, you will get addicted to drawing cringy are and writing cringy drawings!
    Anyways remember if you haven't gone down the hold or at least was able to get out I ADVISE YOU TO NOT GO DOWN THERE AGAIN!!! I REPEAT DO NOT GO DOWN THERE!!!   

 Anyways, bye my sweggies.

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